Thursday, August 21, 2014

Setting Sun

While cleaning up my old files, I found a poem I wrote 16 years ago for a very special someone.  Reading it again brought a smile in my heart and a tickling feeling.  Quite a poem to write. I think I wrote it when I was extremely hurt. :) I am not a seasoned writer but I can easily compose when my feelings are at the extremes. Can I write another one again? 

Setting Sun

It has been ages since I last wrote
A poem such as this.
Never had I imagined this time
Is going to come again.
But somehow I needed to write
To let go of what is within.

This year my heart started pounding again
That I no longer was able to control
The feeling that once caused me so much pain.
You came as one of those ordinary persons
I meet in the not-so-extraordinary walks of my life.

Days come and go ecstatically since then.
Nights never end without exchanging lexes;
And mornings did not start without
The good hellos and greetings of “good morning”.

Everything is just so perfect.
Happiness is with me most of the time
And you know what happens
During the rest of “all the time”.

It’s really hurting to know
Your heart belongs to somebody.
There’s nothing I can do
But to accept what is real
Whoever would say life is fair?

I will be here to love you from afar.
I know it’s quite a misery
But as long as you are there
And continue to be a friend
There’s no letting go of all
These feelings I ache from within.

As what the setting sun whispers,
A promise of tomorrow is also what I hold on to.